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PDF : 13010020.pdf
title(En) :Terpenoids. X. Effects of γ-Ray Radiation on α-Pinene (in English)
author(En) :Bunichiro Tomita, Yoshiyuki Hirose, Tomoichiro Nakatsuka
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 13(1), 20-23 (1967)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   Gamma-irradiation of α-pinene in support of aeration results in formation of α-campholenic aldehyde, pinocarvone, pinocarveol, myrtenal and verbenone as major products, and of α-pinene epoxide and sobrerol as minor products. It is suggested that myrtenal, pinocarvone and pinocarveol result from free radical attack on the α-methyl group of α-pinene to give the myrtenyl free radical and its resonance hybrid the pinocarvyl free radical and the corresponding hydroperoxides, and that verbenone results from α-methylenic attack to give the verbenyl free radical and its hydroperoxide. α-Campholenic aldehyde and sobrerol are presumably derived from α-pinene epoxide which is considered to be a secondary product resulting from the action of a peroxide on the double bond of α-pinene.