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PDF : 03020071.pdf
title(En) :Researches on Blood Glue. XI. On the Difference of Gluing Strength of Blood Constituents (2).
author(En) :Tojun Takashima, Kazuhiko Ariga
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 3(2), 71-74 (1957)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   The writers studied the differences of gluing strengths of blood constituents used for plywood gluing, and now report the results of the study here.
   The materials used for this study were dried powder of a horse's whole blood, and some fractions separated from the blood, such as defibrinated blood, blood corpuscle, hemoglobin, serum, albumin, and globulin.
   Plywoods were glued with the glue mixtures prepared by adding 20 cc of water to 10 gr of the materials, and then the normal gluing strength of the plywoods, were compared.
   The experiments were carried out by the method of two-way layout having two factors, namely, glue materials (D), and pressures applied (A), and repeated three times.
   The following results were obtained in these experiments:
   1) The gluing strengths of globulin and hemoglobin are considerably greater than that of albumin.
   2) It seems that the gluing strength of blood corpuscle does not differ from that of hemoglobin.
   3) The gluing strength of serum is nearly equal to that of albumin.
   4) The gluing strength of defibrinated blood is much greater than that of serum, and less than that of whole blood.
   5) When plywoods are glued, the more pressure is added, the stronger gluing strength becomes; but it seems that there is interaction between the glue materials and the pressure added.