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PDF : 10020081.pdf
title(En) :The Structure and Stereochemistry of Cryptomeridiol
author(En) :Masaki Sugimoto, Hiroko Ito, Hiroshi Hirai, Kenichi Wada
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 10(2), 81-83 (1964)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   A fully saturated sesquiterpenoid diol named cryptomeridiol was isolated from the heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica D. DON. The possible derivation of β-eudesmol (V) to cryptomeridiol has proved the structure (I) for the diol, which corresponds to that for the direct precursor of the eudesmane series of sesquiterpenoids suggested by HENDRICKSON. After completion of the work, it has been shown that cryptomeridiol is identical with the compound which had been isolated first from Widdringtonia dracomontana STAFF, by ERDTMAN and THOMAS and later from Fokienia hodginsii HEROUT and DOLEJS. HEROUT had proposed the structure (II) and the name, selina-4,7-diol for the compound, in which the stereochemistry at C-4 remained unsolved. Since the configuration of cryptomeridiol has been established as (I), it may be formulated as selinan-4α, 11-diol, numbering being as shown.