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PDF : 09060208.pdf
title(En) :Puncture Test in Plywood and Hardboard. III.
author(En) :Shitomo Mamada
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 9(6), 208-210 (1963)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   The apparatus, method and specimen in study were the same as shown in the previous report.
   This experiment was conducted to study the influence of some factors on the breaking load, deflection and absorbed energy in puncture test.
   The obtained results were as follows :
   1) As shown in Figs. 1 - 4, in general, the breaking load decreases slowly; on the other hand deflection and absorbed energy increase as the impact velocity increases.
   2) As for the 5cm radius of point circle of striking block, the oscilograph, as illustrated in Fig 5, indicates an abnormal curve.
   The results for 1cm radius are shown in Fig. 6.
   3) As shown in Fig. 7, the breaking load and deflection, and absorbed energy to break increase as the weight of striking block increases.