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PDF : 07060223.pdf
title(En) :Effects of Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Wood. IV. Impact Bending Test.
author(En) :Ekitaro Sano
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 7(6), 223-227 (1961)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   Impact bending test was worked out with the view to studying the effects of temperature on the mechanical properties of wood. The experiment was carried out at various temperature in the range from +60°C to -60°C, with hot water for the range higher than room temperature and with ethyl-alcohol bath and dry-ice for the lower range. Ash, spruce, Hinoki and animal-glued Kaba-plywood are the kinds of wood tested. It has been made clear through this experiment that, within the above temperature range, absorbed energy in impact bending test had a minimum value at a point between +10°C and -10°C, with each test piece of loading directions tangential, radial or 45° to annual rings for Ash, Spruce and Hinoki, but at about -30°C for animal-glued Kaba-Plywood. Equivalent bending strength increased linearly with the decrease of temperature for Ash, Spruce and Hinoki, but it appeared a minimum value at about -30°C∼-40°C for animal-glued Kaba-Plywood.