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PDF : 07030101.pdf
title(En) :Studies on the Mechanics of Wooden Box-Beam. I. Stiffness of Bending
author(En) :Isami Takami, Masao Kawaguchi
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 7(3), 101-106 (1961)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   1) In this report are presented the results of a mathematical analysis of stiffness problems for Wooden Box-Beam under a few types of loading.
   The deflection of bending is obtained by the use of elastic strain energy function. From that

in the case of center-loading, end support, equation (4.1) is, if it is integrated for several integral variants x, y, z according to Fig. 1 and 3,

             where  P = the load applied to center of Box-Beam.
                     δ = the deflection of center of Box-Beam, (max. defl.)
   2) The wooden Box-Beams used in a preliminary experiment were constructed with Flange of Yezomatsu and web of 3 ply Lauan plywood (L, T, LT = 45° as parallel, perpendicular, and 45° respectively, to the grain of the face plies).
   3) In the case of center-loading test the theoretical value δ/p calculated from equation (5.1.2) was almost the same as the experimental ones, and the agreement between experiment and theory can be regarded as reasonably satisfactory. (Fig. 7)