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PDF : 14010036.pdf
title(En) :Terpenoids. XV. On the Triterpenes in the Wood of Kapur (Dryobalanops sp.) (in English)
author(En) :Yoshiyuki Hirose, Takuma Yanagawa, Yoshikatsu Sayama, Tomoko Igarashi, Tomoichiro Nakatsuka
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 14(1), 36-39 (1968)
assort :Original Article
summary(En) :   The essential oil of the wood of Kapur was investigated and the presence of some monoterpenes was reported in the previous paper. In this paper, from the residue from which monoterpenic fractions had been distilled, six kinds of triterpenes have been isolated and named the crystals A, B, C, D, E and F. And their physico-chemical properties have been investigated.