Occupational Safety and Health (英文)

An Introduction to Building a Safety Culture

Toshiro Tanaka and Ruth Vergin
Page size: A4判, 48 pp. (48 color pp.) 250 g. Language: English. 2022

Paper book: ¥1,818 JPY+tax (ISBN9784860994037)
Online book: ¥909 JPY ~ ¥1,818 JPY+tax (ISBN9784860997335)

This textbook was created in the hope that it will help to develop a safety culture. Many topics were covered, but they all fall into one of five essential categories that are the basis of ensuring a safe and healthy work environment: elimination, substitution, engineering control, administrative control and PPE. All work together in different ways in different situations, but all play a role in maintaining a safe environment.

Ehime University, Japan
Dr. Toshiro Tanaka, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Dr. Kazutaka Ito, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Satoshi Okano, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Prof. Ruth Vergin, Institute for International Relations
Okayama University, Japan
Dr. Takafumi Miyazaki
Ms. Mai Kawakami

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